Villa Montessori School

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Daniel Thongdara » Snack Calendar

Snack Calendar

Before Winter Break, we reorganized and resettled the children into the snack routine with some new and some old but reemphasized procedures. As an additional measure, we’d like to ensure that the children are enjoying the snack provided by the weekly snack volunteers as much as possible. One thing we noticed is that children who brought their own snack tended to take quite a while at the snack table making it a bit of a time squeeze for other children to fully enjoy their snack. As such, if your child does not have allergies or other dietary restrictions, we ask that you do not send your children to school with a morning snack and let them know that they’ll have school snack. For some children, deep into the routine of having a snack from home, we understand that this will be a tricky transition. We will help your child navigate this difficult transition, but if you need to wean them off of home morning snack over the next week or so, we can accommodate this as well. The morning snack routine is not just a nice time for the children to sit and eat and chat with a friend, but it’s also an opportunity to build their independence and fine motor skills as they chop, spoon, spread, and otherwise prepare themselves a morning snack. Let me know if you have any questions or other needs regarding snack and we’ll figure out a plan that works best for your family.