Villa Montessori School

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Middle School

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"Adolescence is the 'sensitive period' for developing feelings of justice and personal dignity.  These feelings are the most noble of characteristics and ought to prepare the young adult to become a social being. "
-Dr. Maria Montessori
The Middle School Program is for twelve to fourteen year-olds in 7th and 8th grades.  
The Middle School creates a holistic, developmentally responsive learning community that protects, supports and empowers the early adolescent on their quest for identity, autonomy, and interdependence.
The program aims at forming caring, confident, competent young adults who view themselves as compassionate global citizens and committed caretakers of the earth.  We do this by providing continuous opportunities for students to succeed in academic classes, work projects, outdoor challenges, interpersonal relationships, community service, peaceful resolution of conflict and creating a personal vision.
The Middle School curriculum is based on an integration of the Montessori philosophy, the developmental needs of early adolescence, the state of the art in current learning theory, the predictions of skills needed for a productive life in the twenty-first century and the Arizona State requirements of essential skills.